
Ductor sustainable fertilizer

About Ductor

Ductor creates solutions that help solve today’s environmental challenges in the energy and agriculture sectors by unlocking bio-resources to make food sustainable and energy clean.

We build, own, and operate facilities, which turn waste from the agricultural sector into sustainable organic fertilizers and biogas.

With two operating plants and several projects in our pipeline, we have proven  that we are able to live up to our purpose.

Vision & Mission

We strive to be the sustainable leader in biogas and fertilizers.

We repurpose organic resources and put them back to work as carbon reduced fertilizers and renewable energy.

Learn more about our circular approach.

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Executive and Management Team

Bernard C. Fenner, CEO

More than 25 years of experience as an international leader and executive

B.Sc. Mechanical and Production Engineering, EMBA International Management Furtwangen University

Arja Frejborg, HR Director

More than 20 years of experience in human resource leadership and compliance.

B.Sc. HR & Change Management, B.Sc. Behavioral Sciences, M.Sc. Special Pedagogics, from University of Helsinki

Jakob Snebjørn, Director of Engineering & Technology

Close to 10 years of experience developing and commissioning biogas plants.

M.S.c & B.S.c Science Biology from University of Copenhagen

The people working at Ductor are dedicated and experienced professionals in their fields working together on a truly circular future. The values we share are Fairness@@Honesty@@Integrity@@Identification@@Cooperativeness .


Ductor is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Not found what you were looking for? Feel free to send an unsolicited application to hr@ductor.com Follow us on LinkedIn