Press Release
The grant of 112 million SEK was allowed to Ductor for the positive impacts of its technology in terms of greenhouse gas emission reduction and will be allocated to a local project. Emissions of methane from the handling of animal manure account for an important share of agriculture’s climate impact. By the implementation of Ductor’s biotechnological solution, emissions can be significantly reduced. In a two-step fermentation process, nitrogen is at first recovered after pre-digestion, to avoid nitrogen inhibition during the following main fermentation step. The process yields a liquid nitrogen fertilizer, biogas and a solid product fraction that can be used as a soil improver or fertilizer. The result is biogas and organic-based fertilizer with a reduced climate impact.
“The annual production of energy at the plantequals to four million litres of Diesel fuel. The total reduction of greenhouse gas emissions during the plants 20-year lifetime of the plant is estimated to be 337 000 tons CO2 equivalents” says the local project lead and Managing Director of Ductor Biogas Sweden AB, Jorma Liikamaa.
“We feel encouraged and proud that Ductor’s mission resonates so well with the current zeitgeist that is urgently needed to help our planet recover” says Bernard C. Fenner, CEO of Ductor. The grant will empower Ductor’s project development ambitions in Flyserid, Monsteras for a biogas project for which a 20-year contract for the supply of manure was recently signed with the Swedish egg producer CA Cedergren. “I am excited to continue moving this project forward with full force” adds the local project lead and managing director of Ductor Biogas Sweden AB, Jorma Liikamaa.
Ductor is striving to expand its activities in further European countries and the U.S. within the next years.
More information on Ductor’s technology can be found on the company’s website
Contact Ductor: Leonie Boller (Head of Marketing, or Jorma Liikamaa (Ductor Biogas Sweden AB Managing Director, 073 – 99 00 548
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